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AIR CON RE-CHARGE | R1234YF New GASBooking Details

£119.00 Air Con Recharge
2017 Models + (R-1234YF Gas)
A vehicle’s air conditioning system offers many benefits to the driver throughout the year. Aside from keeping you cool, fresh and comfortable during the warm summer months, it can also be used to help you defrost your windows in the winter. However, each year, your car’s air conditioning system loses charge, making the system less efficient and, as a result, making your vehicle feel warmer, so it’s important that you make an effort to maintain your car’s air-con system.
When Should I Arrange My Air Con Recharge Service?
To ensure it keeps running efficiently, many vehicle manufacturers recommend that a driver opts for a car air conditioning refill and recharge approximately every two years. You may be able to tell if your air con needs recharging if it only blows out warm air, or if it works intermittently. If you notice an unpleasant smell coming from the air vents, this could also indicate that the system needs attention.